We can help any size organization...
Plan, Train, and Exercise to:
Build capacity
Enhance preparedness
Fulfil mandated requirements
Increase resiliency
Meet operational goals
Speed recovery
Successfully Conduct Business in Today's Rapidly Changing Environment by:
Provide support to current and future staff
Fill knowledge and experience gaps
Provide training
Facilitate projects
Create, update, and revise emergency operations plans
Update guidelines, procedures, and requirements
​Emergency Planning:
Business Continuity Planning
Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP)
COVID-19 Planning
Crisis and Risk Communications (CERC)
Disaster Response Planning
Emergency Operations Plans (EOP)
Emergency Response Plans (ERP)
Event Action Plans (EAP)
Incident Action Plans (IAP)
Incident Response Guides (IRG)
Infectious Disease Plans
Job Action Sheets
Job Aids
Just-in-Time Training (JITT)
Mass Vaccination Plans
Pandemic Response Plans
Point of Dispensing (POD)
Point of Vaccination (POV)
Public Health Emergency Response Plans
Recovery from Disaster
Standard Operating Guides (SOG)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
​Exercise development, facilitation, and evaluation:
Workshops | Drills | Table-Tops | Functional | Full-Scale
AAR/IP After-Action Report/Improvement Plan Development
Active Shooter/Active Assailant
Community Reception Center
Hospital Incidents
MRSE (Medical Response and Surge Exercise)
Light Search and Rescue
POD Point of Dispensing (medical countermeasures)
POV Point of Vaccination (seasonal and pandemic flu)
Shelter Operations
Utility outages
​Courses and Trainings: (can be customized)
Active Shooter/Active Assailant
CERT Leadership Academy
Civil Unrest
CERT Basic Training
Disasters: Natural and Human-caused
Emergency Operations Plans (EOP)
Emerging Threats and Hazards
Event Action Planning (EAP)
Exercise Fundamentals (HSEEP)
Incident Action Planning (IAP)
ICS (Incident Command System) - FEMA
ICS 100: Introduction to ICS
ICS 200: Basic ICS for Initial Response
​ ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
ICS 400: Advanced Incident Command System for Complex Incidents
E/L/G 0191: Emergency Operations Center/Incident Command System Interface
G0402: NIMS Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, & Appointed
National Emergency Management Basic Academy -FEMA
E/L/K 0101: Foundations of Emergency Management
E/L/K 0102: Science of Disasters
E/L/K 0103: Planning Emergency Operations
E/L/K 0146: Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
E/L/K 0105: Public Information Basics
National Emergency Management Advanced Academy - FEMA
E/L/K 0451: Advanced I - Application of Advanced Individual Concepts in EM
E/L/K 0452: Advanced II - Assessment of Teams in Professional Emergency Management
E/L/K 0453: Advanced III - Contemporary Issues in the Emergency Management Organization
E/L/K 0454: Advanced IV - Advanced Concepts and Policy in the EM Profession
National Incident Management System/Incident Command System (NIMS/ICS)
Pandemic Recovery/Reopening
Preparedness (Individual/Family/Employee)
Public Information (PIO) & Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC)
Radio Basics, Procedures, and Protocols
Stop The Bleed®
Threats, Hazards, and Disaster Science
Terrorism and Incident Awareness
Traffic Incident Management Fundamentals
Until Help Arrives
Volunteer Training and Management
Weather Hazards​